Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why on Earth do people blog?

Blogging is very new to me. In fact, I didn't even know what a blog meant until I enrolled in an Advanced Composition class at George Mason University. I thought it was something to do with buying stuff on the internet. Much to my chagrin, it does not. It is simply a personal journal that any person can post on the internet. I was happy to find out that it actually did have something to do with the internet. But I was sad to find out that I actually had to write something.
I spent almost the last 20 years doing nothing but going to concerts all over the country. During this time, I think that I read about two books. So, as you can see academics were the furthest thing from my mind. It was all about the show. For all of you live music junkies out ther, perhaps you know what I am talking about. Why read something when they are going to make it into a movie anyway?
So, here I sit blogging away. Still, with little understanding of what I should be writing. Perhaps, that is the point. To "just" write.

1 comment:

Dr Dave said...

My brother made an entire career out of following Bob Dylan from concert to concert and writing books about them, whole books, thousands of words. Surely you can talk about your experiences on the road.